- Burlesque-Inspired Choreography Class
Burlesque-Inspired Choreography Class
Join us August 24th 5 PM - 7 PM
This (2 hour) workshop will put the sizzle and SASS into your aerial choreography! We'll begin with a warm up to burlesque-inspired music and that includes classic cabaret/showgirl dancer type moves - the tip & bevel, rond de jambes, high kicks, shimmies, shakes, and a glove or costume "peel". Have your choreography or a sequence ready (it can be a rough draft) because we'll then break into groups based on aerial
equipment and do some creative exercises to help you incorporate burlesque style floorwork as well as how to keep it going in the air and develop your own character and style.
Taught by Beth Del Nero, formerly of Atlanta's Dames Aflame showgirls/burlesque and currently with D'Air Aerial Dance Company and Two Chandeliers Entertainment showgirls.
Photo credit: Keiko Guest